Newick Format

Protein sequences → MUSCLE → trimAl (automated1) → IQ-TREE (Automatic model selection using ModelFinder)

Root the phylogeny or hide taxa by clicking on nodes

Phylogeny (unrooted) rendered using phylotree.js

Reconstruct this phylogeny using PHYLIP Neighbor, FastTree, IQ-TREE (+ ModelFinder) or PhyML?

IQ-TREE COVID-edition built Oct  4 2022

Input file name: seq.aln-trimal
Type of analysis: ModelFinder + tree reconstruction
Random seed number: 953258


To cite IQ-TREE please use:

Bui Quang Minh, Heiko A. Schmidt, Olga Chernomor, Dominik Schrempf,
Michael D. Woodhams, Arndt von Haeseler, and Robert Lanfear (2020)
IQ-TREE 2: New models and efficient methods for phylogenetic inference
in the genomic era. Mol. Biol. Evol., in press.

To cite ModelFinder please use: 

Subha Kalyaanamoorthy, Bui Quang Minh, Thomas KF Wong, Arndt von Haeseler,
and Lars S Jermiin (2017) ModelFinder: Fast model selection for
accurate phylogenetic estimates. Nature Methods, 14:587–589.


Input data: 4 sequences with 242 amino-acid sites
Number of constant sites: 65 (= 26.8595% of all sites)
Number of invariant (constant or ambiguous constant) sites: 65 (= 26.8595% of all sites)
Number of parsimony informative sites: 37
Number of distinct site patterns: 190


Best-fit model according to BIC: WAG

List of models sorted by BIC scores: 

Model                  LogL         AIC      w-AIC        AICc     w-AICc         BIC      w-BIC
WAG               -1889.124    3788.249 -  0.00158    3788.503 -   0.0244    3805.694 +    0.568
WAG+I             -1887.038    3786.075 -   0.0047    3786.433 +   0.0686    3807.009 +    0.294
WAG+G4            -1888.008    3788.016 -  0.00178    3788.374 -    0.026    3808.950 +    0.112
WAG+I+G4          -1887.097    3788.193 -  0.00163    3788.672 -   0.0224    3812.616 -   0.0178
WAG+R2            -1887.966    3789.933 - 0.000683    3790.411 -  0.00938    3814.355 -  0.00748
DCMut+I           -1894.327    3800.654 - 3.21e-06    3801.012 - 4.68e-05    3821.588 - 0.000201
Dayhoff+I         -1894.334    3800.668 - 3.18e-06    3801.026 - 4.65e-05    3821.602 -   0.0002
DCMut+G4          -1895.605    3803.210 - 8.93e-07    3803.568 -  1.3e-05    3824.144 -  5.6e-05
Dayhoff+G4        -1895.618    3803.235 - 8.82e-07    3803.593 - 1.29e-05    3824.169 - 5.53e-05
DCMut             -1899.706    3809.412 - 4.02e-08    3809.667 - 6.18e-07    3826.857 - 1.44e-05
Dayhoff           -1899.792    3809.584 - 3.69e-08    3809.838 - 5.67e-07    3827.028 - 1.32e-05
DCMut+I+G4        -1894.328    3802.656 - 1.18e-06    3803.134 - 1.62e-05    3827.078 - 1.29e-05
Dayhoff+I+G4      -1894.334    3802.669 - 1.17e-06    3803.147 - 1.61e-05    3827.091 - 1.28e-05
DCMut+R2          -1895.632    3805.264 -  3.2e-07    3805.743 -  4.4e-06    3829.686 -  3.5e-06
Dayhoff+R2        -1895.646    3805.292 - 3.15e-07    3805.770 - 4.34e-06    3829.714 - 3.46e-06
VT                -1904.022    3818.045 - 5.37e-10    3818.299 - 8.25e-09    3835.489 - 1.92e-07
VT+I              -1903.117    3818.235 - 4.88e-10    3818.592 - 7.13e-09    3839.168 - 3.06e-08
VT+G4             -1903.665    3819.330 - 2.82e-10    3819.688 - 4.12e-09    3840.264 - 1.77e-08
VT+I+G4           -1903.307    3820.614 - 1.49e-10    3821.092 - 2.04e-09    3845.036 - 1.63e-09
VT+R2             -1903.693    3821.387 - 1.01e-10    3821.865 - 1.39e-09    3845.809 - 1.11e-09
JTTDCMut+I        -1910.360    3832.720 - 3.49e-13    3833.078 -  5.1e-12    3853.654 - 2.19e-11
Q.pfam+G4         -1910.474    3832.947 - 3.12e-13    3833.304 - 4.55e-12    3853.881 - 1.95e-11
JTTDCMut          -1913.253    3836.505 - 5.26e-14    3836.759 - 8.09e-13    3853.950 - 1.89e-11
LG+G4             -1910.525    3833.049 - 2.96e-13    3833.406 - 4.33e-12    3853.983 - 1.86e-11
JTTDCMut+G4       -1910.765    3833.531 - 2.33e-13    3833.888 -  3.4e-12    3854.465 - 1.46e-11
LG+I              -1910.795    3833.589 - 2.26e-13    3833.946 -  3.3e-12    3854.523 - 1.42e-11
Q.pfam+I          -1910.889    3833.777 - 2.06e-13    3834.135 - 3.01e-12    3854.711 - 1.29e-11
JTT+I             -1910.894    3833.788 - 2.05e-13    3834.145 - 2.99e-12    3854.722 - 1.28e-11
JTT               -1913.764    3837.529 - 3.15e-14    3837.783 - 4.85e-13    3854.973 - 1.13e-11
JTT+G4            -1911.280    3834.561 - 1.39e-13    3834.918 - 2.03e-12    3855.495 - 8.72e-12
LG                -1914.182    3838.364 - 2.08e-14    3838.619 - 3.19e-13    3855.809 - 7.45e-12
Q.pfam            -1914.649    3839.298 -  1.3e-14    3839.553 -    2e-13    3856.743 - 4.67e-12
JTTDCMut+I+G4     -1910.387    3834.773 - 1.25e-13    3835.252 - 1.72e-12    3859.196 - 1.37e-12
Q.pfam+R2         -1910.534    3835.068 - 1.08e-13    3835.547 - 1.48e-12    3859.491 - 1.18e-12
Q.pfam+I+G4       -1910.595    3835.190 - 1.02e-13    3835.669 -  1.4e-12    3859.612 - 1.11e-12
LG+I+G4           -1910.603    3835.206 - 1.01e-13    3835.684 - 1.38e-12    3859.628 -  1.1e-12
LG+R2             -1910.609    3835.219 -    1e-13    3835.698 - 1.38e-12    3859.641 -  1.1e-12
JTTDCMut+R2       -1910.859    3835.717 -  7.8e-14    3836.196 - 1.07e-12    3860.140 - 8.54e-13
JTT+I+G4          -1910.920    3835.841 - 7.33e-14    3836.319 - 1.01e-12    3860.263 - 8.03e-13
JTT+R2            -1911.378    3836.756 - 4.64e-14    3837.235 - 6.38e-13    3861.179 - 5.08e-13
WAG+F             -1865.503    3779.005 +    0.161    3784.535 +    0.177    3862.740 - 2.33e-13
WAG+F+I           -1863.510    3777.021 +    0.434    3783.039 +    0.374    3864.244 -  1.1e-13
PMB               -1918.652    3847.304 - 2.38e-16    3847.559 - 3.66e-15    3864.749 - 8.53e-14
LG+I+R2           -1910.426    3836.851 - 4.42e-14    3837.469 - 5.67e-13    3864.763 - 8.47e-14
WAG+F+G4          -1864.397    3778.795 +    0.179    3784.813 +    0.154    3866.018 - 4.52e-14
Blosum62          -1919.525    3849.049 - 9.93e-17    3849.303 - 1.53e-15    3866.494 - 3.56e-14
PMB+I             -1917.874    3847.749 -  1.9e-16    3848.106 - 2.78e-15    3868.682 - 1.19e-14
PMB+G4            -1918.343    3848.686 - 1.19e-16    3849.043 - 1.74e-15    3869.619 - 7.47e-15
WAG+F+I+G4        -1863.587    3779.173 +    0.148    3785.704 +   0.0988    3869.886 - 6.54e-15
Blosum62+I        -1918.590    3849.181 -  9.3e-17    3849.538 - 1.36e-15    3870.114 - 5.83e-15
LG+R3             -1910.514    3839.027 - 1.49e-14    3839.803 - 1.77e-13    3870.428 - 4.99e-15
Blosum62+G4       -1919.138    3850.276 - 5.38e-17    3850.634 - 7.86e-16    3871.210 - 3.37e-15
WAG+F+R2          -1864.382    3780.765 +   0.0668    3787.295 -   0.0446    3871.477 - 2.95e-15
PMB+I+G4          -1918.033    3850.066 - 5.98e-17    3850.545 - 8.21e-16    3874.488 - 6.54e-16
PMB+R2            -1918.366    3850.733 - 4.28e-17    3851.211 - 5.89e-16    3875.155 - 4.69e-16
LG+I+R3           -1910.379    3840.757 - 6.28e-15    3841.710 - 6.81e-14    3875.647 - 3.67e-16
Blosum62+I+G4     -1918.783    3851.567 - 2.82e-17    3852.045 - 3.88e-16    3875.989 - 3.09e-16
Blosum62+R2       -1919.144    3852.288 - 1.97e-17    3852.767 -  2.7e-16    3876.711 - 2.15e-16
VT+F              -1873.107    3794.214 - 8.03e-05    3799.744 - 8.83e-05    3877.948 - 1.16e-16
VT+F+I            -1872.110    3794.220 -    8e-05    3800.239 - 6.89e-05    3881.443 - 2.02e-17
VT+F+G4           -1872.668    3795.335 - 4.58e-05    3801.354 - 3.95e-05    3882.559 - 1.16e-17
DCMut+F+I         -1873.793    3797.586 - 1.49e-05    3803.605 - 1.28e-05    3884.810 - 3.76e-18
Dayhoff+F+I       -1873.837    3797.675 - 1.42e-05    3803.693 - 1.23e-05    3884.898 - 3.59e-18
Blosum62+F        -1876.662    3801.323 - 2.29e-06    3806.853 - 2.52e-06    3885.058 - 3.32e-18
DCMut+F+G4        -1874.534    3799.069 - 7.08e-06    3805.087 -  6.1e-06    3886.292 - 1.79e-18
Dayhoff+F+G4      -1874.576    3799.152 -  6.8e-06    3805.170 - 5.85e-06    3886.375 - 1.72e-18
VT+F+I+G4         -1872.295    3796.590 - 2.45e-05    3803.120 - 1.63e-05    3887.302 - 1.08e-18
PMB+F             -1877.832    3803.663 - 7.12e-07    3809.193 - 7.83e-07    3887.398 - 1.03e-18
VT+F+R2           -1872.733    3797.465 - 1.58e-05    3803.996 - 1.05e-05    3888.178 - 6.97e-19
Blosum62+F+I      -1875.720    3801.439 - 2.17e-06    3807.458 - 1.87e-06    3888.663 - 5.47e-19
Blosum62+F+G4     -1876.219    3802.439 - 1.31e-06    3808.457 - 1.13e-06    3889.662 - 3.32e-19
LG+F+G4           -1876.385    3802.771 - 1.11e-06    3808.789 - 9.59e-07    3889.994 - 2.81e-19
DCMut+F+I+G4      -1873.723    3799.446 - 5.86e-06    3805.976 - 3.91e-06    3890.159 - 2.59e-19
Dayhoff+F+I+G4    -1873.761    3799.521 - 5.65e-06    3806.052 - 3.77e-06    3890.234 - 2.49e-19
DCMut+F           -1879.322    3806.644 -  1.6e-07    3812.174 - 1.76e-07    3890.379 - 2.32e-19
Dayhoff+F         -1879.446    3806.893 - 1.42e-07    3812.423 - 1.56e-07    3890.627 - 2.05e-19
LG+F+I            -1876.868    3803.736 - 6.87e-07    3809.755 - 5.91e-07    3890.960 - 1.73e-19
PMB+F+I           -1877.064    3804.127 - 5.65e-07    3810.146 - 4.87e-07    3891.350 - 1.43e-19
DCMut+F+R2        -1874.674    3801.349 - 2.27e-06    3807.879 - 1.51e-06    3892.061 -    1e-19
Dayhoff+F+R2      -1874.719    3801.438 - 2.17e-06    3807.968 - 1.45e-06    3892.150 - 9.56e-20
PMB+F+G4          -1877.521    3805.041 - 3.58e-07    3811.060 - 3.08e-07    3892.265 - 9.03e-20
LG+F              -1880.399    3808.797 - 5.47e-08    3814.327 - 6.01e-08    3892.532 -  7.9e-20
Q.pfam+F+G4       -1877.813    3805.626 - 2.67e-07    3811.645 -  2.3e-07    3892.850 - 6.74e-20
Q.pfam+F+I        -1878.403    3806.806 - 1.48e-07    3812.825 - 1.27e-07    3894.030 - 3.74e-20
Blosum62+F+I+G4   -1875.859    3803.718 - 6.93e-07    3810.249 - 4.62e-07    3894.431 - 3.06e-20
Blosum62+F+R2     -1876.271    3804.543 - 4.59e-07    3811.073 - 3.06e-07    3895.255 - 2.03e-20
Q.pfam+F          -1881.905    3811.811 - 1.21e-08    3817.341 - 1.33e-08    3895.545 - 1.75e-20
LG+F+R2           -1876.537    3805.074 - 3.52e-07    3811.605 - 2.35e-07    3895.787 - 1.55e-20
LG+F+I+G4         -1876.589    3805.178 - 3.34e-07    3811.708 - 2.23e-07    3895.890 - 1.47e-20
PMB+F+I+G4        -1877.228    3806.455 - 1.76e-07    3812.985 - 1.18e-07    3897.167 - 7.78e-21
PMB+F+R2          -1877.554    3807.107 - 1.27e-07    3813.637 - 8.49e-08    3897.819 - 5.62e-21
Q.pfam+F+R2       -1877.948    3807.895 - 8.58e-08    3814.425 - 5.72e-08    3898.608 - 3.79e-21
Q.pfam+F+I+G4     -1878.088    3808.176 - 7.46e-08    3814.706 - 4.98e-08    3898.888 - 3.29e-21
JTTDCMut+F+G4     -1883.592    3817.183 - 8.25e-10    3823.202 - 7.11e-10    3904.407 - 2.09e-22
JTTDCMut+F+I      -1883.593    3817.186 - 8.24e-10    3823.204 -  7.1e-10    3904.409 - 2.08e-22
JTT+F+I           -1883.788    3817.576 - 6.78e-10    3823.595 - 5.84e-10    3904.800 - 1.71e-22
JTT+F+G4          -1883.790    3817.579 - 6.77e-10    3823.598 - 5.83e-10    3904.802 - 1.71e-22
JTTDCMut+F        -1886.925    3821.851 -    8e-11    3827.381 -  8.8e-11    3905.585 - 1.16e-22
JTT+F             -1887.137    3822.273 - 6.48e-11    3827.803 - 7.13e-11    3906.008 - 9.37e-23
JTTDCMut+F+I+G4   -1883.515    3819.031 - 3.28e-10    3825.561 - 2.19e-10    3909.743 - 1.45e-23
JTT+F+I+G4        -1883.708    3819.415 -  2.7e-10    3825.945 -  1.8e-10    3910.128 - 1.19e-23
JTTDCMut+F+R2     -1883.798    3819.595 - 2.47e-10    3826.126 - 1.65e-10    3910.308 - 1.09e-23
JTT+F+R2          -1884.000    3820.000 - 2.02e-10    3826.531 - 1.35e-10    3910.713 - 8.91e-24

AIC, w-AIC   : Akaike information criterion scores and weights.
AICc, w-AICc : Corrected AIC scores and weights.
BIC, w-BIC   : Bayesian information criterion scores and weights.

Plus signs denote the 95% confidence sets.
Minus signs denote significant exclusion.


Model of substitution: WAG

State frequencies: (model)

Model of rate heterogeneity: Uniform


Log-likelihood of the tree: -1889.1243 (s.e. 43.0816)
Unconstrained log-likelihood (without tree): -1228.7131
Number of free parameters (#branches + #model parameters): 5
Akaike information criterion (AIC) score: 3788.2486
Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) score: 3788.5028
Bayesian information criterion (BIC) score: 3805.6933

Total tree length (sum of branch lengths): 1.6536
Sum of internal branch lengths: 0.5114 (30.9252% of tree length)

NOTE: Tree is UNROOTED although outgroup taxon 'PYAP_22273' is drawn at root

|                          +-------------------------------PYIW_18788

Tree in newick format:


To simulate an alignment of the same length as the original alignment, using the tree and model parameters estimated from this analysis, you can use the following command:

--alisim simulated_MSA -t seq.aln-trimal.treefile -m "WAG" --length 242

To mimic the alignment used to produce this analysis, i.e. simulate an alignment of the same length as the original alignment, using the tree and model parameters estimated from this analysis *and* copying the same gap positions as the original alignment, you can use the following command:

iqtree -s seq.aln-trimal --alisim mimicked_MSA

To simulate any number of alignments in either of the two commandlines above, use the --num-alignments options, for example mimic 100 alignments you would use the command line:

iqtree -s seq.aln-trimal --alisim mimicked_MSA --num-alignments 100

For more information on using AliSim, please visit:


Date and time: Sat Apr 20 14:20:59 2024
Total CPU time used: 0.798202 seconds (0h:0m:0s)
Total wall-clock time used: 0.313163 seconds (0h:0m:0s)