Newick Format

Protein sequences → MUSCLE → trimAl (automated1) → IQ-TREE (Automatic model selection using ModelFinder)

Root the phylogeny or hide taxa by clicking on nodes

Phylogeny (unrooted) rendered using phylotree.js

Reconstruct this phylogeny using PHYLIP Neighbor, FastTree, IQ-TREE (+ ModelFinder) or PhyML?

IQ-TREE COVID-edition built Oct  4 2022

Input file name: seq.aln-trimal
Type of analysis: ModelFinder + tree reconstruction
Random seed number: 600079


To cite IQ-TREE please use:

Bui Quang Minh, Heiko A. Schmidt, Olga Chernomor, Dominik Schrempf,
Michael D. Woodhams, Arndt von Haeseler, and Robert Lanfear (2020)
IQ-TREE 2: New models and efficient methods for phylogenetic inference
in the genomic era. Mol. Biol. Evol., in press.

To cite ModelFinder please use: 

Subha Kalyaanamoorthy, Bui Quang Minh, Thomas KF Wong, Arndt von Haeseler,
and Lars S Jermiin (2017) ModelFinder: Fast model selection for
accurate phylogenetic estimates. Nature Methods, 14:587–589.


Input data: 6 sequences with 150 amino-acid sites
Number of constant sites: 32 (= 21.3333% of all sites)
Number of invariant (constant or ambiguous constant) sites: 32 (= 21.3333% of all sites)
Number of parsimony informative sites: 68
Number of distinct site patterns: 131


Best-fit model according to BIC: Q.pfam+G4

List of models sorted by BIC scores: 

Model                  LogL         AIC      w-AIC        AICc     w-AICc         BIC      w-BIC
Q.pfam+G4         -1415.663    2851.326 +    0.126    2852.909 +    0.609    2881.432 +    0.831
Q.pfam+R2         -1415.500    2853.000 +   0.0545    2854.914 +    0.224    2886.117 +   0.0798
Q.pfam+I+G4       -1416.067    2854.134 -   0.0309    2856.047 +    0.127    2887.251 -   0.0453
Q.pfam+I          -1418.861    2857.723 -  0.00514    2859.305 -   0.0249    2887.829 -   0.0339
LG+G4             -1420.287    2860.574 -  0.00124    2862.157 -  0.00598    2890.680 -  0.00815
LG+R2             -1420.110    2862.219 - 0.000543    2864.132 -  0.00223    2895.336 - 0.000795
LG+I+G4           -1420.629    2863.257 - 0.000323    2865.170 -  0.00132    2896.374 - 0.000473
WAG+G4            -1423.841    2867.682 - 3.54e-05    2869.265 - 0.000171    2897.788 - 0.000233
LG+I              -1423.860    2867.720 - 3.47e-05    2869.303 - 0.000168    2897.826 - 0.000229
LG+I+R2           -1420.280    2864.561 - 0.000168    2866.838 - 0.000575    2900.688 - 5.47e-05
WAG+R2            -1423.662    2869.325 - 1.56e-05    2871.238 - 6.38e-05    2902.442 - 2.28e-05
WAG+I             -1426.333    2872.666 - 2.93e-06    2874.249 - 1.42e-05    2902.772 - 1.93e-05
WAG+I+G4          -1424.040    2870.080 - 1.07e-05    2871.993 - 4.37e-05    2903.197 - 1.56e-05
LG                -1429.063    2876.127 - 5.19e-07    2877.412 - 2.91e-06    2903.222 - 1.54e-05
VT+G4             -1427.099    2874.198 - 1.36e-06    2875.781 - 6.58e-06    2904.305 - 8.97e-06
LG+R3             -1420.211    2866.421 - 6.64e-05    2869.098 - 0.000186    2905.560 - 4.79e-06
JTT+G4            -1428.875    2877.749 -  2.3e-07    2879.332 - 1.11e-06    2907.856 - 1.52e-06
JTTDCMut+G4       -1429.031    2878.062 - 1.97e-07    2879.645 - 9.53e-07    2908.169 -  1.3e-06
VT+I              -1429.120    2878.240 -  1.8e-07    2879.823 - 8.72e-07    2908.347 - 1.19e-06
VT+R2             -1426.957    2875.913 - 5.77e-07    2877.826 - 2.37e-06    2909.030 - 8.45e-07
VT+I+G4           -1427.390    2876.780 - 3.74e-07    2878.693 - 1.53e-06    2909.897 - 5.48e-07
LG+I+R3           -1420.365    2868.731 - 2.09e-05    2871.842 - 4.71e-05    2910.880 - 3.35e-07
JTT+R2            -1428.640    2879.280 - 1.07e-07    2881.193 - 4.39e-07    2912.397 - 1.57e-07
JTTDCMut+R2       -1428.815    2879.629 -    9e-08    2881.542 - 3.69e-07    2912.746 - 1.32e-07
JTT+I+G4          -1429.228    2880.457 - 5.95e-08    2882.370 - 2.44e-07    2913.574 - 8.71e-08
JTTDCMut+I+G4     -1429.375    2880.749 - 5.14e-08    2882.662 - 2.11e-07    2913.866 - 7.53e-08
Dayhoff+G4        -1431.907    2883.814 - 1.11e-08    2885.397 - 5.37e-08    2913.920 - 7.33e-08
DCMut+G4          -1431.950    2883.900 - 1.06e-08    2885.482 - 5.14e-08    2914.006 - 7.02e-08
JTT+I             -1432.504    2885.008 - 6.12e-09    2886.590 - 2.96e-08    2915.114 - 4.03e-08
JTTDCMut+I        -1432.645    2885.290 - 5.31e-09    2886.873 - 2.57e-08    2915.397 -  3.5e-08
Dayhoff+R2        -1431.772    2885.544 - 4.68e-09    2887.457 - 1.92e-08    2918.661 - 6.85e-09
DCMut+R2          -1431.819    2885.637 - 4.46e-09    2887.550 - 1.83e-08    2918.754 - 6.53e-09
Dayhoff+I+G4      -1432.257    2886.513 - 2.88e-09    2888.426 - 1.18e-08    2919.630 - 4.22e-09
DCMut+I+G4        -1432.301    2886.601 - 2.76e-09    2888.514 - 1.13e-08    2919.718 - 4.04e-09
Dayhoff+I         -1435.454    2890.907 -  3.2e-10    2892.490 - 1.55e-09    2921.014 - 2.11e-09
DCMut+I           -1435.468    2890.936 - 3.16e-10    2892.519 - 1.53e-09    2921.042 - 2.08e-09
PMB+G4            -1437.390    2894.780 - 4.62e-11    2896.363 - 2.23e-10    2924.886 - 3.05e-10
PMB+I             -1439.087    2898.174 - 8.46e-12    2899.757 - 4.09e-11    2928.281 - 5.58e-11
Blosum62+G4       -1439.508    2899.015 - 5.56e-12    2900.598 - 2.69e-11    2929.122 - 3.66e-11
PMB+R2            -1437.159    2896.318 - 2.14e-11    2898.231 - 8.77e-11    2929.435 - 3.13e-11
PMB+I+G4          -1437.581    2897.163 -  1.4e-11    2899.076 - 5.75e-11    2930.280 - 2.05e-11
Blosum62+I        -1441.677    2903.353 - 6.35e-13    2904.936 - 3.07e-12    2933.460 - 4.19e-12
Blosum62+R2       -1439.326    2900.652 - 2.45e-12    2902.565 -    1e-11    2933.769 - 3.59e-12
Blosum62+I+G4     -1439.825    2901.651 - 1.49e-12    2903.564 -  6.1e-12    2934.768 - 2.18e-12
Q.pfam+F+G4       -1395.504    2849.008 +    0.402    2863.508 -  0.00304    2936.316 -    1e-12
LG+F+G4           -1397.539    2853.079 +   0.0524    2867.579 - 0.000397    2940.387 - 1.31e-13
Q.pfam+F+R2       -1395.339    2850.678 +    0.174    2866.308 -  0.00075    2940.997 - 9.67e-14
Q.pfam+F+I+G4     -1395.987    2851.973 +   0.0911    2867.604 - 0.000392    2942.293 - 5.06e-14
Q.pfam+F+I        -1399.133    2856.267 -   0.0107    2870.767 - 8.07e-05    2943.575 - 2.66e-14
LG+F+R2           -1397.392    2854.785 -   0.0224    2870.415 - 9.62e-05    2945.104 - 1.24e-14
Dayhoff+F+G4      -1400.154    2858.309 -  0.00384    2872.809 - 2.91e-05    2945.617 - 9.59e-15
DCMut+F+G4        -1400.164    2858.327 -   0.0038    2872.827 - 2.88e-05    2945.636 - 9.51e-15
LG+F+I+G4         -1397.997    2855.994 -   0.0122    2871.624 - 5.26e-05    2946.313 - 6.78e-15
WAG+F+G4          -1401.092    2860.184 -   0.0015    2874.684 - 1.14e-05    2947.492 - 3.76e-15
LG+F+I            -1401.899    2861.798 -  0.00067    2876.298 - 5.08e-06    2949.107 - 1.68e-15
Dayhoff+F+R2      -1400.123    2860.247 -  0.00146    2875.877 - 6.27e-06    2950.566 - 8.08e-16
DCMut+F+R2        -1400.135    2860.270 -  0.00144    2875.900 -  6.2e-06    2950.589 - 7.99e-16
Dayhoff+F+I+G4    -1400.406    2860.813 -   0.0011    2876.443 - 4.72e-06    2951.132 - 6.09e-16
DCMut+F+I+G4      -1400.419    2860.838 -  0.00108    2876.468 - 4.66e-06    2951.157 - 6.01e-16
DCMut+F+I         -1403.469    2864.938 - 0.000139    2879.438 - 1.06e-06    2952.246 - 3.49e-16
WAG+F+R2          -1400.965    2861.930 - 0.000628    2877.560 -  2.7e-06    2952.249 - 3.48e-16
Dayhoff+F+I       -1403.485    2864.970 - 0.000137    2879.470 - 1.04e-06    2952.279 - 3.43e-16
WAG+F+I+G4        -1401.452    2862.903 - 0.000386    2878.534 - 1.66e-06    2953.223 - 2.14e-16
VT+F+G4           -1404.059    2866.118 - 7.73e-05    2880.618 - 5.86e-07    2953.427 - 1.93e-16
WAG+F+I           -1404.422    2866.843 - 5.38e-05    2881.343 - 4.08e-07    2954.151 - 1.35e-16
JTTDCMut+F+G4     -1405.604    2869.209 - 1.65e-05    2883.709 - 1.25e-07    2956.517 - 4.12e-17
JTT+F+G4          -1405.982    2869.964 - 1.13e-05    2884.464 - 8.56e-08    2957.273 - 2.83e-17
VT+F+R2           -1403.956    2867.912 - 3.15e-05    2883.543 - 1.36e-07    2958.231 - 1.75e-17
VT+F+I            -1406.645    2871.289 - 5.83e-06    2885.789 - 4.41e-08    2958.598 - 1.46e-17
VT+F+I+G4         -1404.487    2868.973 - 1.85e-05    2884.603 - 7.98e-08    2959.292 - 1.03e-17
JTTDCMut+F+R2     -1405.494    2870.989 - 6.77e-06    2886.619 - 2.91e-08    2961.308 - 3.76e-18
JTT+F+R2          -1405.858    2871.715 - 4.71e-06    2887.346 - 2.03e-08    2962.034 - 2.61e-18
JTTDCMut+F+I+G4   -1406.011    2872.022 - 4.04e-06    2887.653 - 1.74e-08    2962.341 - 2.24e-18
JTT+F+I+G4        -1406.402    2872.805 - 2.73e-06    2888.435 - 1.18e-08    2963.124 - 1.52e-18
JTTDCMut+F+I      -1409.565    2877.130 - 3.14e-07    2891.630 - 2.38e-09    2964.439 - 7.85e-19
JTT+F+I           -1409.963    2877.925 - 2.11e-07    2892.425 -  1.6e-09    2965.234 - 5.28e-19
Blosum62+F+G4     -1410.179    2878.357 -  1.7e-07    2892.857 - 1.29e-09    2965.666 - 4.25e-19
PMB+F+G4          -1410.183    2878.366 - 1.69e-07    2892.866 - 1.28e-09    2965.675 - 4.23e-19
PMB+F+R2          -1410.045    2880.090 - 7.15e-08    2895.720 - 3.08e-10    2970.409 - 3.97e-20
Blosum62+F+R2     -1410.051    2880.101 - 7.11e-08    2895.731 - 3.06e-10    2970.420 - 3.95e-20
PMB+F+I           -1412.811    2883.622 - 1.22e-08    2898.122 - 9.26e-11    2970.930 - 3.06e-20
PMB+F+I+G4        -1410.597    2881.194 - 4.12e-08    2896.824 - 1.77e-10    2971.513 - 2.28e-20
Blosum62+F+I+G4   -1410.612    2881.223 - 4.06e-08    2896.853 - 1.75e-10    2971.542 - 2.25e-20
Blosum62+F+I      -1413.362    2884.723 - 7.05e-09    2899.223 - 5.34e-11    2972.032 - 1.76e-20

AIC, w-AIC   : Akaike information criterion scores and weights.
AICc, w-AICc : Corrected AIC scores and weights.
BIC, w-BIC   : Bayesian information criterion scores and weights.

Plus signs denote the 95% confidence sets.
Minus signs denote significant exclusion.


Model of substitution: Q.pfam+G4

State frequencies: (model)

Model of rate heterogeneity: Gamma with 4 categories
Gamma shape alpha: 1.9142

 Category  Relative_rate  Proportion
  1         0.2828         0.2500
  2         0.6456         0.2500
  3         1.0677         0.2500
  4         2.0039         0.2500
Relative rates are computed as MEAN of the portion of the Gamma distribution falling in the category.


Log-likelihood of the tree: -1415.6628 (s.e. 47.1305)
Unconstrained log-likelihood (without tree): -716.1620
Number of free parameters (#branches + #model parameters): 10
Akaike information criterion (AIC) score: 2851.3255
Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) score: 2852.9082
Bayesian information criterion (BIC) score: 2881.4319

Total tree length (sum of branch lengths): 2.8020
Sum of internal branch lengths: 1.4657 (52.3083% of tree length)

NOTE: Tree is UNROOTED although outgroup taxon 'PPTG_07932' is drawn at root

|    +--PITG_00010
|    |                                  +------------------H257_06152
|    +----------------------------------|
|                                       |            +--SPRG_08854
|                                       +------------|
|                                                    +**SDRG_13678

Tree in newick format:


To simulate an alignment of the same length as the original alignment, using the tree and model parameters estimated from this analysis, you can use the following command:

--alisim simulated_MSA -t seq.aln-trimal.treefile -m "Q.pfam+G4{1.91418}" --length 150

To mimic the alignment used to produce this analysis, i.e. simulate an alignment of the same length as the original alignment, using the tree and model parameters estimated from this analysis *and* copying the same gap positions as the original alignment, you can use the following command:

iqtree -s seq.aln-trimal --alisim mimicked_MSA

To simulate any number of alignments in either of the two commandlines above, use the --num-alignments options, for example mimic 100 alignments you would use the command line:

iqtree -s seq.aln-trimal --alisim mimicked_MSA --num-alignments 100

For more information on using AliSim, please visit:


Date and time: Fri Apr 26 06:33:03 2024
Total CPU time used: 4.05966 seconds (0h:0m:4s)
Total wall-clock time used: 1.40933 seconds (0h:0m:1s)