Newick Format

Protein sequences → MUSCLE → trimAl (automated1) → IQ-TREE (Automatic model selection using ModelFinder)

Root the phylogeny or hide taxa by clicking on nodes

Phylogeny (unrooted) rendered using phylotree.js

Reconstruct this phylogeny using PHYLIP Neighbor, FastTree, IQ-TREE (+ ModelFinder) or PhyML?

IQ-TREE COVID-edition built Oct  4 2022

Input file name: seq.aln-trimal
Type of analysis: ModelFinder + tree reconstruction
Random seed number: 334015


To cite IQ-TREE please use:

Bui Quang Minh, Heiko A. Schmidt, Olga Chernomor, Dominik Schrempf,
Michael D. Woodhams, Arndt von Haeseler, and Robert Lanfear (2020)
IQ-TREE 2: New models and efficient methods for phylogenetic inference
in the genomic era. Mol. Biol. Evol., in press.

To cite ModelFinder please use: 

Subha Kalyaanamoorthy, Bui Quang Minh, Thomas KF Wong, Arndt von Haeseler,
and Lars S Jermiin (2017) ModelFinder: Fast model selection for
accurate phylogenetic estimates. Nature Methods, 14:587–589.


Input data: 6 sequences with 652 amino-acid sites
Number of constant sites: 497 (= 76.227% of all sites)
Number of invariant (constant or ambiguous constant) sites: 497 (= 76.227% of all sites)
Number of parsimony informative sites: 15
Number of distinct site patterns: 254


Best-fit model according to BIC: Q.pfam+I

List of models sorted by BIC scores: 

Model                  LogL         AIC      w-AIC        AICc     w-AICc         BIC      w-BIC
Q.pfam+I          -2843.897    5707.794 +    0.359    5708.137 +    0.371    5752.595 +    0.503
LG+I              -2844.535    5709.070 +     0.19    5709.413 +    0.196    5753.870 +    0.266
Q.pfam+G4         -2845.295    5710.591 +   0.0886    5710.934 +   0.0917    5755.391 +    0.124
LG+G4             -2845.910    5711.821 -   0.0479    5712.164 -   0.0496    5756.621 +   0.0671
Q.pfam+I+G4       -2844.061    5710.123 +    0.112    5710.535 +    0.112    5759.403 -   0.0167
LG+I+G4           -2844.634    5711.269 +   0.0631    5711.681 +   0.0631    5760.549 -  0.00942
Q.pfam+R2         -2844.830    5711.661 +   0.0519    5712.073 +   0.0519    5760.941 -  0.00774
LG+R2             -2845.347    5712.693 -    0.031    5713.106 -    0.031    5761.974 -  0.00462
LG                -2852.910    5723.819 - 0.000119    5724.100 - 0.000127    5764.140 -  0.00156
LG+I+R2           -2844.840    5713.680 -   0.0189    5714.169 -   0.0182    5767.441 -   0.0003
WAG+I             -2851.959    5723.918 - 0.000113    5724.261 - 0.000117    5768.718 - 0.000158
WAG+G4            -2852.902    5725.803 - 4.41e-05    5726.146 - 4.56e-05    5770.604 - 6.17e-05
VT+I              -2853.549    5727.099 -  2.3e-05    5727.442 - 2.39e-05    5771.899 - 3.23e-05
VT+G4             -2854.499    5728.998 - 8.92e-06    5729.341 - 9.23e-06    5773.799 - 1.25e-05
LG+R3             -2845.481    5716.962 -  0.00366    5717.533 -  0.00338    5775.203 - 6.19e-06
WAG+I+G4          -2852.138    5726.276 - 3.48e-05    5726.689 - 3.48e-05    5775.557 - 5.19e-06
WAG+R2            -2852.591    5727.181 - 2.21e-05    5727.594 - 2.21e-05    5776.462 -  3.3e-06
JTT+I             -2856.608    5733.215 - 1.08e-06    5733.559 - 1.12e-06    5778.016 - 1.52e-06
JTTDCMut+I        -2857.042    5734.083 - 7.01e-07    5734.427 - 7.26e-07    5778.884 - 9.83e-07
VT+I+G4           -2853.940    5729.879 - 5.74e-06    5730.292 - 5.74e-06    5779.160 - 8.56e-07
VT+R2             -2854.234    5730.469 - 4.27e-06    5730.881 - 4.27e-06    5779.749 - 6.38e-07
JTT+G4            -2857.606    5735.211 - 3.99e-07    5735.554 - 4.13e-07    5780.012 - 5.59e-07
LG+I+R3           -2844.785    5717.570 -   0.0027    5718.229 -  0.00239    5780.290 - 4.87e-07
JTTDCMut+G4       -2858.022    5736.045 - 2.63e-07    5736.388 - 2.72e-07    5780.845 - 3.69e-07
JTT+I+G4          -2856.753    5735.507 - 3.44e-07    5735.919 - 3.44e-07    5784.787 - 5.14e-08
JTTDCMut+I+G4     -2857.187    5736.373 - 2.23e-07    5736.786 - 2.23e-07    5785.654 - 3.33e-08
JTT+R2            -2857.271    5736.542 - 2.05e-07    5736.954 - 2.05e-07    5785.822 - 3.06e-08
JTTDCMut+R2       -2857.688    5737.376 - 1.35e-07    5737.788 - 1.35e-07    5786.656 - 2.02e-08
Blosum62+I        -2865.430    5750.861 -  1.6e-10    5751.204 - 1.65e-10    5795.661 - 2.24e-10
Blosum62+G4       -2866.530    5753.061 - 5.31e-11    5753.404 -  5.5e-11    5797.861 - 7.44e-11
Blosum62+I+G4     -2865.747    5753.494 - 4.28e-11    5753.906 - 4.27e-11    5802.774 - 6.38e-12
Blosum62+R2       -2866.237    5754.473 - 2.62e-11    5754.886 - 2.62e-11    5803.754 - 3.91e-12
PMB+I             -2874.137    5768.275 - 2.64e-14    5768.618 - 2.73e-14    5813.075 -  3.7e-14
PMB+G4            -2875.036    5770.073 - 1.07e-14    5770.416 - 1.11e-14    5814.873 -  1.5e-14
PMB+I+G4          -2874.385    5770.771 - 7.58e-15    5771.183 - 7.57e-15    5820.051 - 1.13e-15
PMB+R2            -2874.796    5771.593 - 5.02e-15    5772.005 - 5.02e-15    5820.873 - 7.49e-16
Dayhoff+I         -2878.857    5777.713 - 2.35e-16    5778.056 - 2.44e-16    5822.513 -  3.3e-16
DCMut+I           -2878.936    5777.872 - 2.17e-16    5778.216 - 2.25e-16    5822.673 - 3.05e-16
Dayhoff+G4        -2878.953    5777.906 - 2.14e-16    5778.249 - 2.21e-16    5822.707 -    3e-16
DCMut+G4          -2879.041    5778.081 - 1.96e-16    5778.425 - 2.03e-16    5822.882 - 2.74e-16
Dayhoff+I+G4      -2878.802    5779.605 - 9.14e-17    5780.017 - 9.14e-17    5828.885 - 1.36e-17
Dayhoff+R2        -2878.878    5779.756 - 8.48e-17    5780.168 - 8.48e-17    5829.036 - 1.26e-17
DCMut+I+G4        -2878.887    5779.774 -  8.4e-17    5780.187 -  8.4e-17    5829.055 - 1.25e-17
DCMut+R2          -2878.935    5779.871 - 8.01e-17    5780.283 -    8e-17    5829.151 - 1.19e-17
LG+F+I            -2828.081    5714.163 -   0.0148    5716.960 -   0.0045    5844.084 - 6.83e-21
LG+F+G4           -2829.175    5716.350 -  0.00497    5719.147 -  0.00151    5846.271 - 2.29e-21
Q.pfam+F+I        -2829.871    5717.741 -  0.00248    5720.539 - 0.000753    5847.662 - 1.14e-21
Q.pfam+F+G4       -2831.147    5720.294 - 0.000692    5723.091 -  0.00021    5850.215 - 3.19e-22
LG+F+I+G4         -2828.213    5716.425 -  0.00479    5719.420 -  0.00132    5850.827 - 2.35e-22
LG+F+R2           -2828.708    5717.416 -  0.00292    5720.411 - 0.000802    5851.817 - 1.43e-22
Q.pfam+F+I+G4     -2830.048    5720.095 - 0.000765    5723.090 -  0.00021    5854.497 - 3.74e-23
Q.pfam+F+R2       -2830.723    5721.447 - 0.000389    5724.442 - 0.000107    5855.848 - 1.91e-23
VT+F+I            -2841.247    5740.494 - 2.84e-08    5743.291 - 8.63e-09    5870.415 - 1.31e-26
VT+F+G4           -2842.124    5742.248 - 1.18e-08    5745.045 - 3.59e-09    5872.169 - 5.44e-27
WAG+F+I           -2842.603    5743.205 - 7.33e-09    5746.003 - 2.22e-09    5873.127 - 3.37e-27
WAG+F+G4          -2843.627    5745.255 - 2.63e-09    5748.052 - 7.98e-10    5875.176 - 1.21e-27
Blosum62+F+I      -2843.656    5745.312 - 2.56e-09    5748.110 - 7.76e-10    5875.234 - 1.18e-27
Blosum62+F+G4     -2844.648    5747.297 - 9.48e-10    5750.094 - 2.88e-10    5877.218 - 4.36e-28
VT+F+I+G4         -2841.634    5743.269 -  7.1e-09    5746.264 - 1.95e-09    5877.670 - 3.48e-28
VT+F+R2           -2841.881    5743.762 - 5.55e-09    5746.757 - 1.52e-09    5878.164 - 2.72e-28
WAG+F+I+G4        -2842.759    5745.519 - 2.31e-09    5748.514 - 6.34e-10    5879.920 - 1.13e-28
WAG+F+R2          -2843.277    5746.554 - 1.37e-09    5749.549 - 3.78e-10    5880.956 - 6.73e-29
JTT+F+I           -2846.988    5751.977 - 9.13e-11    5754.774 - 2.77e-11    5881.898 -  4.2e-29
Blosum62+F+I+G4   -2843.965    5747.929 - 6.91e-10    5750.924 -  1.9e-10    5882.330 - 3.38e-29
JTTDCMut+F+I      -2847.507    5753.015 - 5.43e-11    5755.812 - 1.65e-11    5882.936 -  2.5e-29
Blosum62+F+R2     -2844.385    5748.769 - 4.54e-10    5751.764 - 1.25e-10    5883.171 - 2.22e-29
JTT+F+G4          -2847.963    5753.927 - 3.44e-11    5756.724 - 1.04e-11    5883.848 - 1.58e-29
JTTDCMut+F+G4     -2848.472    5754.944 - 2.07e-11    5757.742 - 6.28e-12    5884.866 - 9.53e-30
PMB+F+I           -2849.517    5757.035 - 7.28e-12    5759.832 - 2.21e-12    5886.956 - 3.35e-30
JTT+F+I+G4        -2847.134    5754.267 -  2.9e-11    5757.262 - 7.98e-12    5888.669 - 1.42e-30
PMB+F+G4          -2850.385    5758.770 - 3.06e-12    5761.567 - 9.28e-13    5888.691 - 1.41e-30
JTTDCMut+F+I+G4   -2847.620    5755.240 - 1.79e-11    5758.236 - 4.91e-12    5889.642 - 8.75e-31
JTT+F+R2          -2847.630    5755.261 - 1.77e-11    5758.256 - 4.86e-12    5889.662 - 8.66e-31
JTTDCMut+F+R2     -2848.139    5756.277 - 1.06e-11    5759.273 - 2.92e-12    5890.679 - 5.21e-31
PMB+F+I+G4        -2849.714    5759.428 -  2.2e-12    5762.423 - 6.05e-13    5893.829 - 1.08e-31
PMB+F+R2          -2850.158    5760.316 - 1.41e-12    5763.311 - 3.88e-13    5894.717 - 6.91e-32
Dayhoff+F+I       -2858.453    5774.907 - 9.58e-16    5777.704 - 2.91e-16    5904.828 - 4.41e-34
DCMut+F+I         -2858.498    5774.996 - 9.16e-16    5777.794 - 2.78e-16    5904.918 - 4.21e-34
Dayhoff+F+G4      -2858.605    5775.210 - 8.23e-16    5778.008 -  2.5e-16    5905.132 - 3.79e-34
DCMut+F+G4        -2858.655    5775.310 - 7.83e-16    5778.107 - 2.38e-16    5905.231 -  3.6e-34
Dayhoff+F+I+G4    -2858.353    5776.705 -  3.9e-16    5779.700 - 1.07e-16    5911.106 - 1.91e-35
DCMut+F+I+G4      -2858.402    5776.804 - 3.71e-16    5779.799 - 1.02e-16    5911.205 - 1.82e-35
Dayhoff+F+R2      -2858.796    5777.592 -  2.5e-16    5780.588 - 6.87e-17    5911.994 - 1.22e-35
DCMut+F+R2        -2858.845    5777.691 - 2.38e-16    5780.686 - 6.54e-17    5912.092 - 1.17e-35

AIC, w-AIC   : Akaike information criterion scores and weights.
AICc, w-AICc : Corrected AIC scores and weights.
BIC, w-BIC   : Bayesian information criterion scores and weights.

Plus signs denote the 95% confidence sets.
Minus signs denote significant exclusion.


Model of substitution: Q.pfam+I

State frequencies: (model)

Model of rate heterogeneity: Invar
Proportion of invariable sites: 0.3391

 Category  Relative_rate  Proportion
  0         0              0.3391
  1         1.5131         0.6609


Log-likelihood of the tree: -2843.8971 (s.e. 65.9337)
Unconstrained log-likelihood (without tree): -3309.1918
Number of free parameters (#branches + #model parameters): 10
Akaike information criterion (AIC) score: 5707.7941
Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) score: 5708.1373
Bayesian information criterion (BIC) score: 5752.5946

Total tree length (sum of branch lengths): 1.0004
Sum of internal branch lengths: 0.0216 (2.1565% of tree length)

WARNING: 1 near-zero internal branches (<0.0015) should be treated with caution
         Such branches are denoted by '**' in the figure below

NOTE: Tree is UNROOTED although outgroup taxon 'HYAP_01511' is drawn at root

|  +-----PYAR_14487
|  +--PHYKE_6984
|     +--PHYRA_72415
|  +--|
|  |  +--PHYCA_532912

Tree in newick format:


To simulate an alignment of the same length as the original alignment, using the tree and model parameters estimated from this analysis, you can use the following command:

--alisim simulated_MSA -t seq.aln-trimal.treefile -m "Q.pfam+I{0.339086}" --length 652

To mimic the alignment used to produce this analysis, i.e. simulate an alignment of the same length as the original alignment, using the tree and model parameters estimated from this analysis *and* copying the same gap positions as the original alignment, you can use the following command:

iqtree -s seq.aln-trimal --alisim mimicked_MSA

To simulate any number of alignments in either of the two commandlines above, use the --num-alignments options, for example mimic 100 alignments you would use the command line:

iqtree -s seq.aln-trimal --alisim mimicked_MSA --num-alignments 100

For more information on using AliSim, please visit:


Date and time: Thu Apr 25 15:26:06 2024
Total CPU time used: 3.08531 seconds (0h:0m:3s)
Total wall-clock time used: 1.08634 seconds (0h:0m:1s)