Newick Format

Protein sequences → MUSCLE → trimAl (automated1) → IQ-TREE (Automatic model selection using ModelFinder)

Root the phylogeny or hide taxa by clicking on nodes

Phylogeny (unrooted) rendered using phylotree.js

Reconstruct this phylogeny using PHYLIP Neighbor, FastTree, IQ-TREE (+ ModelFinder) or PhyML?

IQ-TREE COVID-edition built Oct  4 2022

Input file name: seq.aln-trimal
Type of analysis: ModelFinder + tree reconstruction
Random seed number: 213725


To cite IQ-TREE please use:

Bui Quang Minh, Heiko A. Schmidt, Olga Chernomor, Dominik Schrempf,
Michael D. Woodhams, Arndt von Haeseler, and Robert Lanfear (2020)
IQ-TREE 2: New models and efficient methods for phylogenetic inference
in the genomic era. Mol. Biol. Evol., in press.

To cite ModelFinder please use: 

Subha Kalyaanamoorthy, Bui Quang Minh, Thomas KF Wong, Arndt von Haeseler,
and Lars S Jermiin (2017) ModelFinder: Fast model selection for
accurate phylogenetic estimates. Nature Methods, 14:587–589.


Input data: 4 sequences with 93 amino-acid sites
Number of constant sites: 24 (= 25.8065% of all sites)
Number of invariant (constant or ambiguous constant) sites: 24 (= 25.8065% of all sites)
Number of parsimony informative sites: 1
Number of distinct site patterns: 83


Best-fit model according to BIC: JTT

List of models sorted by BIC scores: 

Model                  LogL         AIC      w-AIC        AICc     w-AICc         BIC      w-BIC
JTT                -564.478    1138.957 +    0.289    1139.646 +     0.32    1151.620 +    0.482
JTTDCMut           -565.091    1140.182 +    0.157    1140.872 +    0.173    1152.845 +    0.261
VT                 -566.383    1142.767 -    0.043    1143.456 -   0.0476    1155.430 +   0.0718
JTT+I              -564.455    1140.911 +    0.109    1141.887 +    0.104    1156.106 +   0.0512
JTT+G4             -564.527    1141.054 +    0.101    1142.031 +    0.097    1156.250 -   0.0476
JTTDCMut+I         -565.085    1142.169 +    0.058    1143.146 +   0.0555    1157.365 -   0.0273
JTTDCMut+G4        -565.127    1142.254 +   0.0556    1143.231 +   0.0532    1157.450 -   0.0261
VT+I               -566.369    1144.738 -    0.016    1145.715 -   0.0154    1159.934 -  0.00755
VT+G4              -566.506    1145.013 -    0.014    1145.990 -   0.0134    1160.209 -  0.00658
JTT+R2             -564.459    1142.918 -   0.0399    1144.235 -   0.0322    1160.646 -  0.00529
JTT+I+G4           -564.738    1143.475 -   0.0302    1144.793 -   0.0244    1161.203 -    0.004
JTTDCMut+R2        -565.054    1144.108 -    0.022    1145.425 -   0.0178    1161.836 -  0.00292
JTTDCMut+I+G4      -565.343    1144.686 -   0.0165    1146.003 -   0.0133    1162.414 -  0.00218
VT+R2              -566.577    1147.153 -   0.0048    1148.471 -  0.00388    1164.881 - 0.000636
VT+I+G4            -566.628    1147.256 -  0.00456    1148.573 -  0.00368    1164.984 - 0.000604
JTT+I+R2           -564.451    1144.901 -   0.0148    1146.615 -   0.0098    1165.162 - 0.000553
Q.pfam             -571.535    1153.071 - 0.000249    1153.760 - 0.000275    1165.734 - 0.000415
JTTDCMut+I+R2      -565.039    1146.077 -  0.00821    1147.791 -  0.00544    1166.338 - 0.000307
WAG                -571.987    1153.975 - 0.000158    1154.664 - 0.000175    1166.638 - 0.000264
Q.pfam+G4          -570.112    1152.223 -  0.00038    1153.200 - 0.000364    1167.419 - 0.000179
DCMut              -573.176    1156.351 - 4.83e-05    1157.041 - 5.34e-05    1169.014 - 8.06e-05
LG                 -573.197    1156.395 - 4.72e-05    1157.085 - 5.22e-05    1169.058 - 7.88e-05
Dayhoff            -573.223    1156.446 -  4.6e-05    1157.136 - 5.09e-05    1169.109 - 7.68e-05
Q.pfam+R2          -568.698    1151.395 - 0.000575    1152.713 - 0.000465    1169.123 - 7.63e-05
JTT+R3             -564.218    1146.437 -  0.00686    1148.605 -  0.00362    1169.230 - 7.23e-05
VT+I+R2            -566.607    1149.214 -  0.00171    1150.929 -  0.00113    1169.475 -  6.4e-05
Q.pfam+I           -571.147    1154.294 - 0.000135    1155.271 - 0.000129    1169.489 - 6.35e-05
LG+G4              -571.223    1154.445 - 0.000125    1155.422 -  0.00012    1169.641 - 5.89e-05
LG+R2              -569.011    1152.023 -  0.00042    1153.340 -  0.00034    1169.751 - 5.57e-05
JTTDCMut+R3        -564.776    1147.551 -  0.00393    1149.720 -  0.00208    1170.345 - 4.14e-05
WAG+R2             -569.647    1153.294 - 0.000223    1154.612 -  0.00018    1171.022 - 2.95e-05
WAG+I              -571.976    1155.951 - 5.89e-05    1156.928 - 5.65e-05    1171.147 - 2.77e-05
WAG+G4             -572.153    1156.306 - 4.94e-05    1157.282 - 4.73e-05    1171.501 - 2.32e-05
PMB                -574.542    1159.084 - 1.23e-05    1159.774 - 1.36e-05    1171.747 - 2.05e-05
Q.pfam+I+G4        -570.356    1154.712 -  0.00011    1156.030 - 8.85e-05    1172.440 - 1.45e-05
DCMut+G4           -572.642    1157.283 - 3.03e-05    1158.260 -  2.9e-05    1172.479 - 1.42e-05
Dayhoff+G4         -572.656    1157.311 - 2.99e-05    1158.288 - 2.86e-05    1172.507 - 1.41e-05
LG+I               -572.885    1157.771 - 2.37e-05    1158.747 - 2.27e-05    1172.966 - 1.12e-05
VT+R3              -566.211    1150.422 - 0.000936    1152.590 - 0.000494    1173.215 - 9.86e-06
DCMut+I            -573.174    1158.348 - 1.78e-05    1159.325 -  1.7e-05    1173.544 - 8.37e-06
Q.pfam+I+R2        -568.673    1153.346 - 0.000217    1155.061 - 0.000144    1173.607 - 8.11e-06
Dayhoff+I          -573.222    1158.444 -  1.7e-05    1159.421 - 1.62e-05    1173.639 - 7.98e-06
DCMut+R2           -571.015    1156.030 - 5.67e-05    1157.347 - 4.58e-05    1173.758 - 7.52e-06
Blosum62           -575.558    1161.115 - 4.46e-06    1161.805 - 4.93e-06    1173.778 - 7.44e-06
Dayhoff+R2         -571.072    1156.145 - 5.35e-05    1157.462 - 4.32e-05    1173.873 -  7.1e-06
LG+I+R2            -569.095    1154.189 - 0.000142    1155.904 - 9.43e-05    1174.450 - 5.32e-06
LG+I+G4            -571.529    1157.057 - 3.39e-05    1158.375 - 2.74e-05    1174.786 -  4.5e-06
WAG+I+R2           -569.657    1155.314 - 8.11e-05    1157.028 - 5.37e-05    1175.575 - 3.03e-06
WAG+I+G4           -572.248    1158.496 - 1.65e-05    1159.814 - 1.33e-05    1176.224 - 2.19e-06
PMB+I              -574.522    1161.044 - 4.62e-06    1162.021 - 4.43e-06    1176.239 - 2.17e-06
PMB+G4             -574.616    1161.232 - 4.21e-06    1162.209 - 4.03e-06    1176.427 - 1.98e-06
DCMut+I+G4         -572.889    1159.778 -  8.7e-06    1161.096 - 7.03e-06    1177.507 - 1.15e-06
Dayhoff+I+G4       -572.905    1159.810 - 8.56e-06    1161.127 - 6.92e-06    1177.538 - 1.14e-06
Q.pfam+R3          -568.651    1155.302 - 8.16e-05    1157.471 - 4.31e-05    1178.095 - 8.59e-07
Blosum62+I         -575.510    1163.021 - 1.72e-06    1163.997 - 1.65e-06    1178.216 - 8.09e-07
Dayhoff+I+R2       -571.051    1158.102 - 2.01e-05    1159.816 - 1.33e-05    1178.363 - 7.52e-07
DCMut+I+R2         -571.062    1158.125 - 1.99e-05    1159.839 - 1.32e-05    1178.386 - 7.43e-07
Blosum62+G4        -575.714    1163.429 -  1.4e-06    1164.405 - 1.34e-06    1178.624 -  6.6e-07
LG+R3              -569.006    1156.011 - 5.72e-05    1158.180 - 3.02e-05    1178.805 - 6.03e-07
WAG+R3             -569.629    1157.257 - 3.07e-05    1159.426 - 1.62e-05    1180.051 - 3.23e-07
PMB+R2             -574.683    1163.365 - 1.45e-06    1164.683 - 1.17e-06    1181.093 - 1.92e-07
PMB+I+G4           -574.785    1163.569 - 1.31e-06    1164.887 - 1.06e-06    1181.298 - 1.73e-07
Dayhoff+R3         -570.960    1159.920 -  8.1e-06    1162.088 - 4.28e-06    1182.713 - 8.54e-08
DCMut+R3           -570.964    1159.928 - 8.07e-06    1162.097 - 4.26e-06    1182.722 -  8.5e-08
Blosum62+R2        -575.545    1165.090 - 6.11e-07    1166.407 - 4.94e-07    1182.818 -  8.1e-08
Blosum62+I+G4      -575.764    1165.527 - 4.91e-07    1166.845 - 3.97e-07    1183.255 - 6.51e-08
LG+I+R3            -569.026    1158.051 - 2.06e-05    1160.734 - 8.42e-06    1183.377 - 6.13e-08
Blosum62+I+R2      -574.730    1165.459 - 5.08e-07    1167.174 - 3.37e-07    1185.720 -  1.9e-08
PMB+I+R2           -574.743    1165.486 - 5.01e-07    1167.200 - 3.32e-07    1185.746 - 1.87e-08
PMB+R3             -574.517    1167.033 - 2.31e-07    1169.202 - 1.22e-07    1189.827 - 2.44e-09
Blosum62+R3        -574.646    1167.292 - 2.03e-07    1169.461 - 1.07e-07    1190.086 - 2.14e-09
JTT+F              -555.640    1159.280 - 1.12e-05    1176.927 - 2.57e-09    1220.062 - 6.62e-16
JTTDCMut+F         -556.094    1160.189 - 7.08e-06    1177.836 - 1.63e-09    1220.971 - 4.21e-16
JTT+F+G4           -555.451    1160.901 - 4.96e-06    1180.304 - 4.74e-10    1224.216 -  8.3e-17
JTT+F+I            -555.613    1161.227 - 4.22e-06    1180.630 - 4.03e-10    1224.542 - 7.06e-17
JTTDCMut+F+G4      -555.857    1161.714 -  3.3e-06    1181.117 - 3.16e-10    1225.029 - 5.53e-17
JTTDCMut+F+I       -556.064    1162.129 - 2.69e-06    1181.532 - 2.57e-10    1225.444 - 4.49e-17
VT+F               -558.712    1165.424 - 5.17e-07    1183.071 - 1.19e-10    1226.206 - 3.07e-17
DCMut+F            -559.833    1167.666 - 1.69e-07    1185.313 - 3.88e-11    1228.448 -    1e-17
Dayhoff+F          -559.887    1167.774 -  1.6e-07    1185.421 - 3.67e-11    1228.556 - 9.48e-18
JTT+F+R2           -555.376    1162.753 - 1.97e-06    1184.025 - 7.38e-11    1228.600 - 9.27e-18
JTT+F+I+G4         -555.686    1163.372 - 1.44e-06    1184.645 - 5.41e-11    1229.220 -  6.8e-18
JTTDCMut+F+R2      -555.765    1163.529 - 1.33e-06    1184.802 -    5e-11    1229.377 - 6.29e-18
JTTDCMut+F+I+G4    -556.092    1164.184 - 9.61e-07    1185.457 - 3.61e-11    1230.032 - 4.53e-18
VT+F+I             -558.713    1167.426 -  1.9e-07    1186.829 - 1.82e-11    1230.741 - 3.18e-18
VT+F+G4            -559.016    1168.033 -  1.4e-07    1187.436 - 1.34e-11    1231.348 - 2.35e-18
DCMut+F+G4         -559.075    1168.150 - 1.32e-07    1187.552 - 1.26e-11    1231.464 - 2.21e-18
Dayhoff+F+G4       -559.096    1168.192 -  1.3e-07    1187.595 - 1.24e-11    1231.507 - 2.17e-18
PMB+F              -561.454    1170.909 - 3.33e-08    1188.556 - 7.66e-12    1231.691 - 1.98e-18
Dayhoff+F+R2       -556.946    1165.891 - 4.09e-07    1187.164 - 1.54e-11    1231.739 - 1.93e-18
DCMut+F+R2         -556.951    1165.901 - 4.07e-07    1187.174 - 1.53e-11    1231.749 - 1.92e-18
WAG+F              -561.649    1171.297 - 2.74e-08    1188.944 -  6.3e-12    1232.080 - 1.63e-18
Q.pfam+F           -561.868    1171.735 -  2.2e-08    1189.382 - 5.06e-12    1232.518 - 1.31e-18
JTT+F+I+R2         -555.178    1164.356 - 8.82e-07    1187.617 - 1.22e-11    1232.736 - 1.17e-18
DCMut+F+I          -559.825    1169.651 - 6.25e-08    1189.054 - 5.97e-12    1232.966 - 1.05e-18
Dayhoff+F+I        -559.879    1169.759 - 5.92e-08    1189.162 - 5.65e-12    1233.074 -  9.9e-19
JTTDCMut+F+I+R2    -555.506    1165.011 - 6.35e-07    1188.273 - 8.82e-12    1233.392 - 8.45e-19
LG+F+R2            -557.945    1167.891 - 1.51e-07    1189.164 - 5.65e-12    1233.738 -  7.1e-19
Q.pfam+F+G4        -560.375    1170.750 -  3.6e-08    1190.153 - 3.44e-12    1234.065 - 6.03e-19
Q.pfam+F+R2        -558.259    1168.518 -  1.1e-07    1189.790 - 4.13e-12    1234.365 - 5.19e-19
WAG+F+R2           -558.261    1168.521 -  1.1e-07    1189.794 - 4.12e-12    1234.369 - 5.18e-19
LG+F               -562.852    1173.703 - 8.24e-09    1191.350 - 1.89e-12    1234.485 - 4.89e-19
LG+F+G4            -560.784    1171.567 -  2.4e-08    1190.970 - 2.29e-12    1234.882 - 4.01e-19
VT+F+R2            -558.862    1169.724 - 6.02e-08    1190.997 - 2.26e-12    1235.572 - 2.84e-19
VT+F+I+G4          -559.025    1170.049 - 5.12e-08    1191.322 - 1.92e-12    1235.897 - 2.41e-19
Blosum62+F         -563.691    1175.381 - 3.56e-09    1193.028 - 8.18e-13    1236.164 - 2.11e-19
PMB+F+I            -561.454    1172.908 - 1.23e-08    1192.311 - 1.17e-12    1236.223 - 2.05e-19
Dayhoff+F+I+R2     -556.966    1167.932 - 1.48e-07    1191.194 - 2.05e-12    1236.312 - 1.96e-19
DCMut+F+I+R2       -556.970    1167.939 - 1.47e-07    1191.201 - 2.04e-12    1236.319 - 1.95e-19
DCMut+F+I+G4       -559.322    1170.644 -  3.8e-08    1191.917 - 1.43e-12    1236.492 - 1.79e-19
WAG+F+G4           -561.590    1173.180 - 1.07e-08    1192.583 - 1.02e-12    1236.495 - 1.79e-19
JTT+F+R3           -554.804    1165.609 - 4.71e-07    1190.984 - 2.27e-12    1236.522 - 1.77e-19
Dayhoff+F+I+G4     -559.344    1170.689 - 3.72e-08    1191.962 - 1.39e-12    1236.537 - 1.75e-19
WAG+F+I            -561.645    1173.290 - 1.01e-08    1192.693 - 9.68e-13    1236.605 - 1.69e-19
Q.pfam+F+I         -561.669    1173.338 - 9.88e-09    1192.741 - 9.44e-13    1236.653 - 1.65e-19
PMB+F+G4           -561.785    1173.571 -  8.8e-09    1192.974 - 8.41e-13    1236.886 - 1.47e-19
JTTDCMut+F+R3      -555.093    1166.187 - 3.53e-07    1191.562 -  1.7e-12    1237.099 - 1.32e-19
VT+F+I+R2          -557.942    1169.885 - 5.56e-08    1193.146 - 7.71e-13    1238.265 - 7.39e-20
LG+F+I+R2          -558.042    1170.084 - 5.03e-08    1193.345 - 6.98e-13    1238.464 - 6.69e-20
LG+F+I             -562.759    1175.518 - 3.32e-09    1194.921 - 3.18e-13    1238.833 - 5.56e-20
WAG+F+I+R2         -558.245    1170.490 - 4.11e-08    1193.751 -  5.7e-13    1238.870 - 5.46e-20
Q.pfam+F+I+R2      -558.303    1170.606 - 3.87e-08    1193.867 - 5.38e-13    1238.986 - 5.15e-20
Q.pfam+F+I+G4      -560.627    1173.254 - 1.03e-08    1194.527 - 3.87e-13    1239.102 - 4.86e-20
LG+F+I+G4          -560.986    1173.972 -  7.2e-09    1195.245 -  2.7e-13    1239.820 -  3.4e-20
Blosum62+F+I       -563.690    1177.380 - 1.31e-09    1196.783 - 1.25e-13    1240.695 - 2.19e-20
DCMut+F+R3         -556.927    1169.853 - 5.64e-08    1195.228 - 2.72e-13    1240.766 - 2.12e-20
Dayhoff+F+R3       -556.983    1169.965 - 5.34e-08    1195.340 - 2.58e-13    1240.878 -    2e-20
PMB+F+R2           -561.592    1175.184 - 3.93e-09    1196.457 - 1.47e-13    1241.032 - 1.85e-20
Blosum62+F+G4      -563.939    1177.878 - 1.02e-09    1197.281 - 9.76e-14    1241.193 - 1.71e-20
WAG+F+I+G4         -561.801    1175.602 - 3.19e-09    1196.875 -  1.2e-13    1241.450 -  1.5e-20
PMB+F+I+G4         -561.858    1175.717 - 3.01e-09    1196.990 - 1.13e-13    1241.564 - 1.42e-20
Blosum62+F+R2      -561.993    1175.987 - 2.63e-09    1197.260 - 9.86e-14    1241.835 - 1.24e-20
VT+F+R3            -557.897    1171.793 - 2.14e-08    1197.168 - 1.03e-13    1242.706 - 8.02e-21
LG+F+R3            -557.907    1171.814 - 2.12e-08    1197.189 - 1.02e-13    1242.727 - 7.94e-21
WAG+F+R3           -558.212    1172.424 - 1.56e-08    1197.799 - 7.53e-14    1243.336 - 5.85e-21
Q.pfam+F+R3        -558.262    1172.524 - 1.48e-08    1197.899 - 7.16e-14    1243.437 - 5.57e-21
PMB+F+I+R2         -560.685    1175.369 - 3.58e-09    1198.631 - 4.97e-14    1243.750 - 4.76e-21
Blosum62+F+I+G4    -564.100    1180.199 -  3.2e-10    1201.472 -  1.2e-14    1246.047 - 1.51e-21
Blosum62+F+I+R2    -562.077    1178.153 -  8.9e-10    1201.415 - 1.24e-14    1246.534 - 1.18e-21
PMB+F+R3           -560.592    1177.184 - 1.44e-09    1202.559 - 6.97e-15    1248.097 - 5.41e-22
Blosum62+F+R3      -562.011    1180.023 - 3.49e-10    1205.398 - 1.69e-15    1250.935 - 1.31e-22

AIC, w-AIC   : Akaike information criterion scores and weights.
AICc, w-AICc : Corrected AIC scores and weights.
BIC, w-BIC   : Bayesian information criterion scores and weights.

Plus signs denote the 95% confidence sets.
Minus signs denote significant exclusion.


Model of substitution: JTT

State frequencies: (model)

Model of rate heterogeneity: Uniform


Log-likelihood of the tree: -564.4548 (s.e. 17.0692)
Unconstrained log-likelihood (without tree): -407.6688
Number of free parameters (#branches + #model parameters): 5
Akaike information criterion (AIC) score: 1138.9096
Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) score: 1139.5993
Bayesian information criterion (BIC) score: 1151.5726

Total tree length (sum of branch lengths): 2.0128
Sum of internal branch lengths: 0.0000 (0.0000% of tree length)

NOTE: Tree is UNROOTED although outgroup taxon 'PHYSO_530254' is drawn at root

|   +**PHYCA_104429

Tree in newick format:


To simulate an alignment of the same length as the original alignment, using the tree and model parameters estimated from this analysis, you can use the following command:

--alisim simulated_MSA -t seq.aln-trimal.treefile -m "JTT" --length 93

To mimic the alignment used to produce this analysis, i.e. simulate an alignment of the same length as the original alignment, using the tree and model parameters estimated from this analysis *and* copying the same gap positions as the original alignment, you can use the following command:

iqtree -s seq.aln-trimal --alisim mimicked_MSA

To simulate any number of alignments in either of the two commandlines above, use the --num-alignments options, for example mimic 100 alignments you would use the command line:

iqtree -s seq.aln-trimal --alisim mimicked_MSA --num-alignments 100

For more information on using AliSim, please visit:


Date and time: Fri Apr 19 22:43:58 2024
Total CPU time used: 0.664974 seconds (0h:0m:0s)
Total wall-clock time used: 0.249819 seconds (0h:0m:0s)