Newick Format

Protein sequences → MUSCLE → trimAl (automated1) → IQ-TREE (Automatic model selection using ModelFinder)

Root the phylogeny or hide taxa by clicking on nodes

Phylogeny (unrooted) rendered using phylotree.js

Reconstruct this phylogeny using PHYLIP Neighbor, FastTree, IQ-TREE (+ ModelFinder) or PhyML?

IQ-TREE COVID-edition built Oct  4 2022

Input file name: seq.aln-trimal
Type of analysis: ModelFinder + tree reconstruction
Random seed number: 818618


To cite IQ-TREE please use:

Bui Quang Minh, Heiko A. Schmidt, Olga Chernomor, Dominik Schrempf,
Michael D. Woodhams, Arndt von Haeseler, and Robert Lanfear (2020)
IQ-TREE 2: New models and efficient methods for phylogenetic inference
in the genomic era. Mol. Biol. Evol., in press.

To cite ModelFinder please use: 

Subha Kalyaanamoorthy, Bui Quang Minh, Thomas KF Wong, Arndt von Haeseler,
and Lars S Jermiin (2017) ModelFinder: Fast model selection for
accurate phylogenetic estimates. Nature Methods, 14:587–589.


Input data: 8 sequences with 209 amino-acid sites
Number of constant sites: 40 (= 19.1388% of all sites)
Number of invariant (constant or ambiguous constant) sites: 40 (= 19.1388% of all sites)
Number of parsimony informative sites: 46
Number of distinct site patterns: 185


Best-fit model according to BIC: JTT+G4

List of models sorted by BIC scores: 

Model                  LogL         AIC      w-AIC        AICc     w-AICc         BIC      w-BIC
JTT+G4            -2305.719    4639.439 - 2.45e-06    4641.604 -  0.00063    4686.231 +    0.517
JTTDCMut+G4       -2306.465    4640.929 - 1.16e-06    4643.094 - 0.000299    4687.722 +    0.245
JTT+R2            -2304.454    4638.909 - 3.19e-06    4641.396 - 0.000698    4689.044 +    0.127
JTTDCMut+R2       -2305.279    4640.558 -  1.4e-06    4643.045 - 0.000306    4690.693 +   0.0555
JTT+I+G4          -2306.087    4642.174 - 6.24e-07    4644.661 - 0.000137    4692.309 -   0.0247
JTT+I+R2          -2304.035    4640.069 - 1.79e-06    4642.903 - 0.000329    4693.547 -   0.0133
JTTDCMut+I+G4     -2306.811    4643.621 - 3.03e-07    4646.108 - 6.62e-05    4693.756 -    0.012
JTTDCMut+I+R2     -2304.824    4641.648 - 8.12e-07    4644.481 - 0.000149    4695.125 -  0.00605
VT+G4             -2321.154    4670.308 - 4.85e-13    4672.473 - 1.25e-10    4717.100 - 1.02e-07
VT+R2             -2319.792    4669.584 - 6.97e-13    4672.071 - 1.52e-10    4719.719 - 2.76e-08
WAG+G4            -2322.985    4673.969 - 7.78e-14    4676.134 -    2e-11    4720.762 - 1.64e-08
VT+I+G4           -2321.627    4673.254 - 1.11e-13    4675.741 - 2.43e-11    4723.389 - 4.41e-09
WAG+R2            -2322.135    4674.269 -  6.7e-14    4676.756 - 1.46e-11    4724.404 - 2.65e-09
VT+I+R2           -2319.648    4671.295 - 2.96e-13    4674.129 - 5.45e-11    4724.773 - 2.21e-09
JTTDCMut+F+G4     -2274.963    4615.925 +    0.313    4628.748 +     0.39    4726.222 - 1.07e-09
WAG+I+G4          -2323.362    4676.723 - 1.96e-14    4679.210 - 4.29e-12    4726.858 - 7.78e-10
JTT+F+G4          -2275.458    4616.915 +    0.191    4629.738 +    0.237    4727.212 - 6.52e-10
WAG+I+R2          -2321.676    4675.352 -  3.9e-14    4678.185 - 7.17e-12    4728.829 -  2.9e-10
Q.pfam+G4         -2327.934    4683.867 - 5.52e-16    4686.032 - 1.42e-13    4730.660 - 1.16e-10
JTTDCMut+F+R2     -2274.837    4617.673 +     0.13    4631.351 +    0.106    4731.312 - 8.39e-11
JTTDCMut+F+I+G4   -2275.085    4618.170 +    0.102    4631.848 +   0.0827    4731.809 - 6.55e-11
JTT+F+R2          -2275.313    4618.627 +    0.081    4632.305 +   0.0658    4732.266 - 5.21e-11
Q.pfam+R2         -2326.278    4682.557 - 1.06e-15    4685.044 - 2.32e-13    4732.692 - 4.21e-11
JTT+F+I+G4        -2275.576    4619.153 +   0.0622    4632.831 +   0.0506    4732.792 -    4e-11
JTTDCMut+F+I+R2   -2274.424    4618.849 +   0.0725    4633.415 -   0.0378    4735.830 - 8.77e-12
WAG+F+G4          -2279.951    4625.902 -  0.00213    4638.725 -  0.00266    4736.199 - 7.29e-12
JTT+F+I+R2        -2274.897    4619.793 -   0.0452    4634.360 -   0.0236    4736.775 - 5.47e-12
Q.pfam+I+G4       -2328.435    4686.869 - 1.23e-16    4689.356 - 2.69e-14    4737.004 - 4.88e-12
Q.pfam+I+R2       -2325.972    4683.944 - 5.31e-16    4686.778 - 9.76e-14    4737.422 - 3.96e-12
WAG+F+R2          -2280.095    4628.190 - 0.000679    4641.868 - 0.000552    4741.829 - 4.37e-13
WAG+F+I+G4        -2280.273    4628.545 - 0.000568    4642.223 - 0.000462    4742.184 - 3.66e-13
VT+F+G4           -2284.351    4634.701 - 2.62e-05    4647.524 - 3.26e-05    4744.998 - 8.96e-14
WAG+F+I+R2        -2279.682    4629.365 - 0.000377    4643.931 - 0.000197    4746.347 - 4.56e-14
LG+G4             -2335.794    4699.588 - 2.13e-19    4701.753 - 5.47e-17    4746.381 - 4.49e-14
Q.pfam+F+G4       -2285.659    4637.317 - 7.08e-06    4650.140 - 8.82e-06    4747.614 - 2.42e-14
LG+F+G4           -2286.004    4638.008 - 5.01e-06    4650.831 - 6.24e-06    4748.305 - 1.71e-14
LG+R2             -2334.368    4698.736 - 3.26e-19    4701.223 - 7.13e-17    4748.871 - 1.29e-14
VT+F+R2           -2283.910    4635.821 -  1.5e-05    4649.499 - 1.22e-05    4749.460 - 9.62e-15
VT+F+I+G4         -2284.794    4637.587 - 6.18e-06    4651.265 - 5.02e-06    4751.227 - 3.98e-15
Q.pfam+F+R2       -2285.136    4638.272 - 4.39e-06    4651.950 - 3.57e-06    4751.912 - 2.82e-15
LG+I+G4           -2336.225    4702.450 - 5.09e-20    4704.937 - 1.11e-17    4752.585 - 2.02e-15
LG+I+R2           -2333.720    4699.439 - 2.29e-19    4702.272 - 4.22e-17    4752.916 - 1.71e-15
LG+F+R2           -2285.756    4639.511 - 2.36e-06    4653.189 - 1.92e-06    4753.150 - 1.52e-15
Q.pfam+F+I+G4     -2286.151    4640.303 - 1.59e-06    4653.981 - 1.29e-06    4753.942 - 1.02e-15
LG+F+I+G4         -2286.402    4640.805 - 1.24e-06    4654.483 - 1.01e-06    4754.444 - 7.96e-16
VT+F+I+R2         -2283.760    4637.520 - 6.39e-06    4652.086 - 3.33e-06    4754.501 - 7.74e-16
Q.pfam+F+I+R2     -2284.815    4639.630 - 2.23e-06    4654.196 - 1.16e-06    4756.611 - 2.69e-16
LG+F+I+R2         -2285.344    4640.689 - 1.31e-06    4655.255 - 6.83e-07    4757.671 - 1.59e-16
LG+R3             -2334.461    4702.922 - 4.02e-20    4706.126 - 6.14e-18    4759.742 - 5.63e-17
PMB+G4            -2342.505    4713.011 - 2.59e-22    4715.176 - 6.65e-20    4759.804 - 5.46e-17
PMB+R2            -2341.206    4712.412 - 3.49e-22    4714.899 - 7.64e-20    4762.547 - 1.38e-17
LG+I+R3           -2333.760    4703.521 - 2.98e-20    4707.121 - 3.73e-18    4763.683 - 7.85e-18
PMB+I+G4          -2342.942    4715.883 - 6.16e-23    4718.371 - 1.35e-20    4766.018 - 2.44e-18
PMB+I+R2          -2340.903    4713.805 - 1.74e-22    4716.639 -  3.2e-20    4767.283 -  1.3e-18
LG+I              -2349.178    4726.356 - 3.28e-25    4728.521 - 8.42e-23    4773.149 - 6.91e-20
PMB+F+G4          -2303.986    4673.972 - 7.77e-14    4686.795 - 9.68e-14    4784.269 - 2.66e-22
Blosum62+G4       -2355.776    4739.551 - 4.47e-28    4741.716 - 1.15e-25    4786.344 - 9.42e-23
Blosum62+F+G4     -2305.367    4676.735 - 1.95e-14    4689.557 - 2.43e-14    4787.032 - 6.68e-23
Dayhoff+F+G4      -2305.516    4677.031 - 1.68e-14    4689.854 -  2.1e-14    4787.328 - 5.76e-23
DCMut+F+G4        -2305.538    4677.077 - 1.64e-14    4689.900 - 2.05e-14    4787.374 - 5.63e-23
PMB+F+R2          -2303.116    4674.233 - 6.82e-14    4687.911 - 5.54e-14    4787.872 - 4.39e-23
Blosum62+R2       -2353.875    4737.751 -  1.1e-27    4740.238 -  2.4e-25    4787.886 - 4.36e-23
Dayhoff+G4        -2357.364    4742.728 - 9.12e-29    4744.893 - 2.34e-26    4789.521 - 1.92e-23
DCMut+G4          -2357.392    4742.783 - 8.87e-29    4744.948 - 2.28e-26    4789.576 - 1.87e-23
Blosum62+F+R2     -2304.057    4676.113 - 2.66e-14    4689.791 - 2.16e-14    4789.752 - 1.71e-23
PMB+F+I+G4        -2304.521    4677.041 - 1.67e-14    4690.719 - 1.36e-14    4790.681 - 1.08e-23
Blosum62+I+G4     -2356.253    4742.506 - 1.02e-28    4744.993 - 2.23e-26    4792.641 - 4.04e-24
Blosum62+I+R2     -2353.620    4739.240 - 5.22e-28    4742.073 -  9.6e-26    4792.717 - 3.89e-24
PMB+F+I+R2        -2302.971    4675.941 -  2.9e-14    4690.508 - 1.51e-14    4792.923 - 3.51e-24
Dayhoff+F+R2      -2305.697    4679.395 - 5.16e-15    4693.073 - 4.19e-15    4793.034 - 3.32e-24
DCMut+F+R2        -2305.708    4679.417 -  5.1e-15    4693.095 - 4.15e-15    4793.056 - 3.28e-24
Dayhoff+R2        -2356.465    4742.930 - 8.24e-29    4745.417 -  1.8e-26    4793.065 - 3.27e-24
DCMut+R2          -2356.486    4742.972 - 8.07e-29    4745.459 - 1.77e-26    4793.107 -  3.2e-24
Dayhoff+F+I+G4    -2305.833    4679.667 -  4.5e-15    4693.345 - 3.66e-15    4793.306 -  2.9e-24
DCMut+F+I+G4      -2305.856    4679.711 - 4.41e-15    4693.389 - 3.58e-15    4793.350 - 2.83e-24
Blosum62+F+I+G4   -2305.919    4679.838 - 4.13e-15    4693.516 - 3.36e-15    4793.477 - 2.66e-24
LG                -2362.634    4751.268 - 1.28e-30    4753.135 -  3.8e-28    4794.719 - 1.43e-24
Blosum62+F+I+R2   -2304.009    4678.017 - 1.03e-14    4692.584 - 5.36e-15    4794.999 - 1.24e-24
Dayhoff+I+G4      -2357.699    4745.399 -  2.4e-29    4747.886 - 5.25e-27    4795.534 - 9.52e-25
DCMut+I+G4        -2357.727    4745.454 - 2.33e-29    4747.941 - 5.11e-27    4795.589 - 9.26e-25
Dayhoff+I+R2      -2355.057    4742.113 - 1.24e-28    4744.947 - 2.28e-26    4795.591 - 9.25e-25
DCMut+I+R2        -2355.091    4742.183 -  1.2e-28    4745.016 -  2.2e-26    4795.660 - 8.93e-25
Dayhoff+F+I+R2    -2304.663    4679.326 - 5.34e-15    4693.892 - 2.78e-15    4796.307 - 6.46e-25
DCMut+F+I+R2      -2304.686    4679.372 - 5.22e-15    4693.938 - 2.72e-15    4796.353 - 6.32e-25

AIC, w-AIC   : Akaike information criterion scores and weights.
AICc, w-AICc : Corrected AIC scores and weights.
BIC, w-BIC   : Bayesian information criterion scores and weights.

Plus signs denote the 95% confidence sets.
Minus signs denote significant exclusion.


Model of substitution: JTT+G4

State frequencies: (model)

Model of rate heterogeneity: Gamma with 4 categories
Gamma shape alpha: 1.6213

 Category  Relative_rate  Proportion
  1         0.2435         0.2500
  2         0.6076         0.2500
  3         1.0568         0.2500
  4         2.0922         0.2500
Relative rates are computed as MEAN of the portion of the Gamma distribution falling in the category.


Log-likelihood of the tree: -2305.0663 (s.e. 69.7087)
Unconstrained log-likelihood (without tree): -1068.3273
Number of free parameters (#branches + #model parameters): 14
Akaike information criterion (AIC) score: 4638.1327
Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) score: 4640.2976
Bayesian information criterion (BIC) score: 4684.9254

Total tree length (sum of branch lengths): 3.0459
Sum of internal branch lengths: 0.2800 (9.1912% of tree length)

NOTE: Tree is UNROOTED although outgroup taxon 'PYVX_15869' is drawn at root

|              +--------------------------------------------PHALS_10836
|           +--|
|           |  |  +--PITG_00012
|           |  +--|
|           |     +--PPTG_16671
|        +--|
|        |  +----PHYCA_104436
|     +--|
|     |  +-----------PHYSO_554653
|     +-----PHYRA_78819

Tree in newick format:


To simulate an alignment of the same length as the original alignment, using the tree and model parameters estimated from this analysis, you can use the following command:

--alisim simulated_MSA -t seq.aln-trimal.treefile -m "JTT+G4{1.62127}" --length 209

To mimic the alignment used to produce this analysis, i.e. simulate an alignment of the same length as the original alignment, using the tree and model parameters estimated from this analysis *and* copying the same gap positions as the original alignment, you can use the following command:

iqtree -s seq.aln-trimal --alisim mimicked_MSA

To simulate any number of alignments in either of the two commandlines above, use the --num-alignments options, for example mimic 100 alignments you would use the command line:

iqtree -s seq.aln-trimal --alisim mimicked_MSA --num-alignments 100

For more information on using AliSim, please visit:


Date and time: Wed Apr 24 09:21:14 2024
Total CPU time used: 10.9056 seconds (0h:0m:10s)
Total wall-clock time used: 3.718 seconds (0h:0m:3s)